Apptimize Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in Apptimize.h

Other Methods

+ startApptimizeWithApplicationKey:

Start Apptimize with the default options.

+ (void)startApptimizeWithApplicationKey:(NSString *)applicationKey


Start Apptimize with the default options.

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+ startApptimizeWithApplicationKey:options:

Start Apptimize with the provided options, where options is nil or a dictionary containing some combination of ApptimizeDevicePairingOption, ApptimizeLogLevelOption, ApptimizeDelayUntilTestsAreAvailableOption, ApptimizeEnableThirdPartyEventImportingOption, ApptimizeEnableThirdPartyEventExportingOption, ApptimizeEnableInteractionEventCollectionOption, and their respective values.

+ (void)startApptimizeWithApplicationKey:(NSString *)applicationKey options:(NSDictionary *)options


Start Apptimize with the provided options, where options is nil or a dictionary containing some combination of ApptimizeDevicePairingOption, ApptimizeLogLevelOption, ApptimizeDelayUntilTestsAreAvailableOption, ApptimizeEnableThirdPartyEventImportingOption, ApptimizeEnableThirdPartyEventExportingOption, ApptimizeEnableInteractionEventCollectionOption, and their respective values.

Apptimize should be started on the main thread and can be safely started more than once.

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+ disable

Disable Apptimize and all of its features for one application session. No tests will run, no data will be logged, and no results will be posted to the Apptimize dashboard. Use with caution.

+ (void)disable


Disable Apptimize and all of its features for one application session. No tests will run, no data will be logged, and no results will be posted to the Apptimize dashboard. Use with caution.

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+ setOffline:

Optionally run in offline mode. In offline mode, all network traffic is disabled. Specifically, the app will not receive metadata, upload results, or (for debug builds) be able to pair with the Apptimize web dashboard.

+ (void)setOffline:(BOOL)offlineFlag


Optionally run in offline mode. In offline mode, all network traffic is disabled. Specifically, the app will not receive metadata, upload results, or (for debug builds) be able to pair with the Apptimize web dashboard.

This setting is persistent and stays in effect between sessions.

You may call setOffline before calling [Apptimize startApptimizeWithApplicationKey].

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+ isOffline

Get the current value of the offline setting
+ (BOOL)isOffline


Get the current value of the offline setting

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+ isFeatureFlagOn:

Returns YES if and only if the feature flag is on.

+ (BOOL)isFeatureFlagOn:(NSString *)featureFlagName

Return Value

Returns YES if and only if the feature flag is on.

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+ runTest:withBaseline:variations:andOptions:

Run a test. Either the baseline or one of the variation blocks will be called synchronously exactly once per call. To run a test, set it up at and then copy and paste the provided code template into your code to use this. Options should be nil or a dictionary containing ApptimizeUpdateMetadataTimeoutOption and a value in milliseconds. For Swift use: runTest:withBaseline:codeBlocks:andOptions:

+ (void)runTest:(NSString *)testName withBaseline:(void ( ^ ) ( void ))baselineBlock variations:(NSDictionary *)variations andOptions:(NSDictionary *)options


Run a test. Either the baseline or one of the variation blocks will be called synchronously exactly once per call. To run a test, set it up at and then copy and paste the provided code template into your code to use this. Options should be nil or a dictionary containing ApptimizeUpdateMetadataTimeoutOption and a value in milliseconds. For Swift use: runTest:withBaseline:codeBlocks:andOptions:

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+ runTest:withBaseline:andVariations:

Same as runTest:withBaseline:variations:andOptions: passing nil for options. For Swift use: runTest:withBaseline:andCodeBlocks:

+ (void)runTest:(NSString *)testName withBaseline:(void ( ^ ) ( void ))baselineBlock andVariations:(NSDictionary *)variations


Same as runTest:withBaseline:variations:andOptions: passing nil for options. For Swift use: runTest:withBaseline:andCodeBlocks:

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+ runTest:withBaseline:apptimizeCodeBlocks:andOptions:

Same as runTest:withBaseline:variations:andOptions: except takes an array of ApptimizeCodeBlock. This is useful in Swift where using runTest:withBaseline:variations:andOptions: is problematic because of bridging issues.

+ (void)runTest:(NSString *)testName withBaseline:(void ( ^ ) ( void ))baselineBlock apptimizeCodeBlocks:(NSArray *)codeBlocks andOptions:(NSDictionary *)options


Same as runTest:withBaseline:variations:andOptions: except takes an array of ApptimizeCodeBlock. This is useful in Swift where using runTest:withBaseline:variations:andOptions: is problematic because of bridging issues.

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+ runTest:withBaseline:andApptimizeCodeBlocks:

Same as runTest:withBaseline:codeBlocks:andOptions: passing nil for options.

+ (void)runTest:(NSString *)testName withBaseline:(void ( ^ ) ( void ))baselineBlock andApptimizeCodeBlocks:(NSArray *)codeBlocks


Same as runTest:withBaseline:codeBlocks:andOptions: passing nil for options.

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+ track:

Track an event

+ (void)track:(NSString *)eventName


Track an event

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+ track:value:

Track an event with an associated numeric value.

+ (void)track:(NSString *)eventName value:(double)value


Track an event with an associated numeric value.

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+ setLogLevel:

Set the log level of the Apptimize library.

+ (void)setLogLevel:(NSString *)logLevel


Set the log level of the Apptimize library.

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+ libraryVersion

Returns the version number of the Apptimize library in this form: (e.g., 1.2.0)

+ (NSString *)libraryVersion

Return Value

Returns the version number of the Apptimize library in this form: (e.g., 1.2.0)

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+ userID

Returns the ID used by Apptimize to uniquely identify users of the current app

+ (NSString *)userID

Return Value

Returns the ID used by Apptimize to uniquely identify users of the current app

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+ setPilotTargetingID:

Set the pilotTargetingID if you want to use the pilot targeting feature available on your Apptimize web dashboard. Pilot targeting allows you to select specific pilotTargingID’s and groups of pilotTargetingID’s in the Apptimize web dashboard for the purposes of targeting experiments and feature flags to specific app/user instances. Setting this value will cause pilot targeting to be recalculated if applicable.

+ (void)setPilotTargetingID:(NSString *)pilotTargetingID


Set the pilotTargetingID if you want to use the pilot targeting feature available on your Apptimize web dashboard. Pilot targeting allows you to select specific pilotTargingID’s and groups of pilotTargetingID’s in the Apptimize web dashboard for the purposes of targeting experiments and feature flags to specific app/user instances. Setting this value will cause pilot targeting to be recalculated if applicable.

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+ pilotTargetingID

Returns the pilotTargetingID. By default this value is nil. It should be set by your application to enable pilot targeting for the device. Pilot targeting allows you to select specific pilotTargingID’s and groups of pilotTargetingID’s in the Apptimize web dashboard for the purposes of targeting experiments and feature flags to specific app/user instances. Setting this value will cause pilot targeting to be recalculated if applicable.

+ (NSString *)pilotTargetingID

Return Value

Returns the pilotTargetingID. By default this value is nil. It should be set by your application to enable pilot targeting for the device. Pilot targeting allows you to select specific pilotTargingID’s and groups of pilotTargetingID’s in the Apptimize web dashboard for the purposes of targeting experiments and feature flags to specific app/user instances. Setting this value will cause pilot targeting to be recalculated if applicable.

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+ testInfo

Returns information about all Apptimize A/B tests and Feature Flags that the device is enrolled in. Note that this does NOT include information about Apptimize A/B tests or Feature Flags that are running but that the device is not enrolled in.

+ (NSDictionary *)testInfo

Return Value

The NSDictionary whose keys are the names of all A/B tests and Feature Flags the device is enrolled in, and whose values are ApptimizeTestInfo objects containing information about the test or feature flag. The return will be empty if this device is enrolled in no tests.

Returns nil if Apptimize::startApptimizeWithApplicationKey… has not been called.


Returns information about all Apptimize A/B tests and Feature Flags that the device is enrolled in. Note that this does NOT include information about Apptimize A/B tests or Feature Flags that are running but that the device is not enrolled in.

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+ waitForTestsToBecomeAvailable:

Wait for the initial set of tests to become available. This method will block for timeout milliseconds (up to 8000) while Apptimize attempts to fetch tests and any related assets. It is meant to be used as part of application initialization, usually during a loading screen.

+ (BOOL)waitForTestsToBecomeAvailable:(NSTimeInterval)timeout


Wait for the initial set of tests to become available. This method will block for timeout milliseconds (up to 8000) while Apptimize attempts to fetch tests and any related assets. It is meant to be used as part of application initialization, usually during a loading screen.

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Appboy Methods

+ apptimizeTrackAppboyEvent:

Do not call this method! This method is specifically for the Appboy SDK integration with the Apptimize SDK and should only be called by the Appboy SDK.

+ (void)apptimizeTrackAppboyEvent:(NSString *)eventName


Do not call this method! This method is specifically for the Appboy SDK integration with the Apptimize SDK and should only be called by the Appboy SDK.

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UserAttributes Methods

+ setUserAttributeString:forKey:

Set an NSString user attribute to be used for targeting, filtering and segmentation.

+ (void)setUserAttributeString:(NSString *)attributeValue forKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Set an NSString user attribute to be used for targeting, filtering and segmentation.

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+ setUserAttributeInteger:forKey:

Set an NSInteger user attribute to be used in targeting, filtering and segmentation.

+ (void)setUserAttributeInteger:(NSInteger)attributeValue forKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Set an NSInteger user attribute to be used in targeting, filtering and segmentation.

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+ setUserAttributeDouble:forKey:

Set a double user attribute to be used for targeting, filtering and segmentation.

+ (void)setUserAttributeDouble:(double)attributeValue forKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Set a double user attribute to be used for targeting, filtering and segmentation.

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+ setUserAttributeBool:forKey:

Set a boolean user attribute to be used for targeting, filtering and segmentation.

+ (void)setUserAttributeBool:(BOOL)attributeValue forKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Set a boolean user attribute to be used for targeting, filtering and segmentation.

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+ removeUserAttributeForKey:

Remove the user defined attribute for a given for key.

+ (void)removeUserAttributeForKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Remove the user defined attribute for a given for key.

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+ removeAllUserAttributes

Remove all user defined attributes.

+ (void)removeAllUserAttributes


Remove all user defined attributes.

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+ userAttributeStringForKey:

Get the currently set NSString user attribute for a given key.

+ (NSString *)userAttributeStringForKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Get the currently set NSString user attribute for a given key.

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+ userAttributeIntegerForKey:

Get the current NSInteger user attribute for a given key.

+ (NSInteger)userAttributeIntegerForKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Get the current NSInteger user attribute for a given key.

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+ userAttributeDoubleForKey:

Get the current double user attribute for a given key.

+ (double)userAttributeDoubleForKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Get the current double user attribute for a given key.

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+ userAttributeBoolForKey:

Get the current boolean user attribute for a given key.

+ (BOOL)userAttributeBoolForKey:(NSString *)attributeName


Get the current boolean user attribute for a given key.

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ViewAttributes Methods

+ setValue:forAttribute:onView:

Set an attribute on a view to a value. Apptimize will use these attributes to gather more information about views for visual editing.

+ (void)setValue:(NSString *)value forAttribute:(NSString *)attributeName onView:(UIView *)view


Set an attribute on a view to a value. Apptimize will use these attributes to gather more information about views for visual editing.

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VariantOverrides Methods

+ forceVariant:

Force the variant with the given ID to be enabled.

+ (void)forceVariant:(NSInteger)variantID


Force the variant with the given ID to be enabled.

Once +forceVariant is called, Apptimize is placed in a special test mode where it will only enable variants that are forced by +forceVariant. All other Feature Flags, A/B Experiments and Instant Updates will appear disabled/off unless a specific variant is forced for those projects. Call +forceVariant for each of the variants you want to apply.

Use +clearAllForcedVariants to return Apptimize to normal operation.

All variants forced using this method will be treated as though they underwent experiment selection, and will be reflected on your results dashboard. Forced variants are persistent across application launches and will not be reset except by calls to [Apptimize clearForcedVariant:] or [Apptimize clearAllForcedVariants].

Note that the “Advanced Verify” feature on the dashboard will not work when there are forced variant(s) on the paired device (because “Advanced Verify” works by sending an instant update to the paired device).

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+ clearForcedVariant:

Cancel a forced variant.

+ (void)clearForcedVariant:(NSInteger)variantID


Cancel a forced variant.

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+ clearAllForcedVariants

Cancel all forced variants.

+ (void)clearAllForcedVariants


Cancel all forced variants.

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+ getVariants

Get a dictionary of information about all available variants.

+ (NSDictionary *)getVariants


Get a dictionary of information about all available variants.

The returned dictionary has keys of variantIDs as NSStrings. Each value is an NSDictionary with information about the variant: @{ @“variantName”: <NSString variant name>, @“variantID”: <NSNumber id>, @“experimentName”: <NSString experiment name>, @“experimentID”: <NSNumber id> @} The returned dictionary will be empty if there are no available variants.

Returns nil if Apptimize::startApptimizeWithApplicationKey… has not been called.

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