
@interface ApptimizeVariableDictionary<__covariant ContainedType>
    : ApptimizeVariable

ApptimizeVariableDictionary is a dynamic variable which contains a dictionary of values of a specified type (string, bool, integer, double) keyed by strings.

  • Retrieves the dictionary of this ApptimizeVariableDictionary.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly)
        NSDictionary<NSString *, ContainedType> *_Nullable dictionaryValue;


    var dictionaryValue: [String : ContainedType]? { get }

    Return Value

    Returns the default dictionary provided at construction if no variant has been received from the servers, or the variant array if enrolled in a particular variant.
    If a variant is returned, none of the key/value pairs from the default will be returned, even if that key isn’t specified in the variant dictionary.
    Returns the default value if there is an issue with the incoming variant data.